This LRGB image is the result of 3 hrs of imaging with many lost subs due to cloud and some RA imbalance issues. Probably only 1.5hrs with most of those softened by clouds. This results in a noisy and more washed-out image than I would have liked. Still, compared to my first attempts, 14 yrs ago, it’s not bad.
Imaged with the ASI1600MM-Pro, ZWO filters, Lacerta Komakorr Coma Corrector. modified Orion Optics 250mm Next on the CEM70G.This was first-light for my refurbished scope. I had the mirrors re-silvered in 2020, I flocked the tube and replaced the focuser for a Skywatcher low-profile Crayford. I’ve just finished making a brace for the rings – to stop ring wobble – which it does very well. The Lacerta Komakorr Coma Corrector is a big improvement over Skywatcher 0.9 CC. Sharpness has improved across the image, its very noticeable.
I should try and revisit this target again and give it the time it deserves now that my equipment can capture more detail.
Some of my earlier attempts:
A guided session using an HEQ5. Manual focusing is a bit dodgy so lots of detail lost.
An early guided session using my HEQ5.
Taken with a Canon 350d, OO 250mm on an EQ5 unguided.
Taken with a modified webcam using my OO 250mm on an EQ5.