Caldwell 33, The Eastern Veil

This is the result of 4 hrs each of S2, Ha and O3 subs taken over three nights, I was lucky to have excellent conditions. I have been able to pull out the gas from the background with very little processing. So more (good) data = easier processing. I need to play with the colour balance it takes some getting used to.

This is the first processing of the data as a simple Red = S2, Green = Ha, Blue = O3 combination. I am still exploring the process and have quickly learnt I need to do some colour balancing or in general the Ha signal will appear too strong and dominate the image. But still here you can see the Ha wisps surrounding the main
This is with Red = S2 * 0.2 + Ha * 0.8, Green = O3, Blue = O3 * 0.85 + Ha*0.15
I believe this is with Red = S2 * 0.15 + Ha * 0.85, Green = O3, Blue = O3 * 0.85 + Ha*0.15
I believe this is with Red = S2 * 0.15 + Ha * 0.85, Green = O3*0.8+Ha*0.2, Blue = O3 * 0.85 + Ha*0.15
This is the original SHO combination with heavily neutralised green.

Imaged using my Altair Astro 70mm triplet, ASI160mm Pro and filters on my HEQ5. Each sub was 5mins @ gain 200.

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